Google Drive Exporting - 2 issues
Incident Report for Chameleon
Two automated error reports alerted us to issues with Google Drive authentication and to exporting large amounts of data to Drive.

Both issues caused our "Data Export completed" emails to not be delivered (though internally the export was completed successfully). We have resent emails with a subject line of "Your Chameleon Experience data" to customers experiencing this issue so keep an eye out for this message.

The authentication issue will require an OAuth "re-prompt" when next exporting data but no other impact was caused with this issue.
The "data too large issue" will now send an email with the CSV download link instead of the link to Drive -- this issue can happen when there are too many columns or rows in the CSV that we attempted to import to Drive.

As always, please reach out to us at if you have any questions about this or any other issues

-- BN @ Chameleon
Posted Jun 09, 2020 - 14:00 PDT